Wednesday 29 September 2010

...and another new Policy Police book

This time it's the novelisation (or, more strictly the short-storyisation) of the original story. I did this mainly for a partially-sighted colleague who is a great fan. It's been an interesting exercise. A bit harder than I thought it would be... or maybe I just got more ambitious for it having started. But it was interesting to get inside the characters' heads.  Anyway, its been such a short time since I put the black book in the right-hand column, I'm going to leave that as it is and just point you to the SHOP where you can find all three books.

I've been getting a bit behind with the next instalment, the first of a brand new story. Lots of reasons for this, partly cuz I've been spending my time on the books, and partly cuz starting a new story requires new characters and stuff, so more thinking time... Also I'm migrating to a new secondhand computer. I have been using a laptop with an external Wacom tablet, but I've now got one of those laptops with a swizzle screen that turns into a tablet. Much more comfortable to use, but has required a bit of set-up and getting used to. So... I'm guessing closer to the middle of the month than the start.

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