Saturday 1 May 2010

Thinking ahead.

Three episodes to go in the current story, so I'm having to think about what happens next to our heroes. I'm aiming for a summer break and starting a new big story in September. This was my plan last year, but I just couldn't resist dropping a summer special in, so who knows...

Anyhow, in some ways timing is good. I should have time to work out just what a change of administration would mean for The Agency. Having the FED is good - everybody is calling every type of money-saving "efficiency" these days. So the FED will be there claiming credit for everything. Though they know full well where efficiency ends and economy begins.

I used to work for a bank - some time ago now - but there were some guys called the "Performance Improvement Unit". Their job was to find departments they could get rid of, costs they could cut. Needless to say, everybody was scared of them. Smart people, too. Unusual in a bank. These people were my inspration for Angelus and the organisation she's part of.

Talking of scary, I'm also aiming to get Zee back behind her desk. She's not best pleased to have had our chums covering her absence, but she hasn't worked out what she's going to do about it.

So, all I can predict so far is budgetary constraint, the FEDs, and Zee...

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